דלג אל

Dig into Digital


All about Dig into Digital:
The high school Moodle content focuses on preparation for the Bagrut exams for 3, 4, and 5 point levels.

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Gail: gailsinger@gmail.com
Mdalale: mdalaleaz@education.gov.il
Dana Koren: dkny.koren@gmail.com

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Found a problem or error? Please report it to gailsinger@gmail.com stating the exact course, lesson and section, explanation of the problem and screen shots if possible.

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Student self enrollment in courses

The courses are available for students to self enroll and work individually. Teachers will not be able to see or monitor their students' work in this option.

Check out the content of the courses

The content of the course is available below for teachers to explore and decide what courses you want to import and use with your classes. This area is called the "sandbox" because it is an area where you can "play" with the courses.

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5 points

The module E program provides content and tools to assist teachers and students to prepare for the new Module E exam including strategies and methods for learning vocabulary for both the 4- and 5-point Bagrut exams.

Module F

Module F Literature provides content and tools to help teachers prepare their students for the internal literature section of the 5-point Bagrut exam.

Module G

The Module G program provides teachers with content and tools to prepare their students for the Module G 5-point Bagrut exam.

The COBE program provides content and tools to help teachers prepare their students for the computerised speaking test for both the 4- and 5-point Bagrut exams.

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4 points

The Module C program provides teachers with carefully designed content and tools to prepare their students for the Module C Bagrut exam.

Module D

Module D Literature provides content and tools to help teachers prepare their students for the internal literature section of the 4-point Bagrut exam.

Module E

The module E program provides content and tools to assist teachers and students to prepare for the new Module E exam including strategies and methods for learning vocabulary for both the 4- and 5-point Bagrut exams.


The COBE program provides content and tools to help teachers prepare their students for the computerised speaking test for both the 4- and 5-point Bagrut exams.

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3 points

The Module A program provides teachers with scaffolded content and tools to prepare their students for the Module A Bagrut exam.

Module B Literature provides content and tools to help teachers prepare their students for the internal literature section of the 3-point Bagrut exam.

Module C

The Module C program provides teachers with carefully designed content and tools to prepare their students for the Module C Bagrut exam.


The Ladders program provides teachers with carefully designed, scaffolded and motivational content and tools to prepare their students to move toward Module A and on to Module C successfully- while putting an emphasis on developing self-awareness, confidence and self-esteem.

Let’s Talk

"Let's Talk" is a unique program devoted to developing oral language communication skills through multi-sensory, active learning. The program provides content and tools to help teachers enhance learner knowledge and confidence for speaking in English

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Your Idea is Here!
If YOU have any ORIGINAL lessons that engage your students, digital tools that spark their imaginations, please share them here!

פורטל זה נבנה עבור מורים ונועד לשימוש צרכי חינוך בלבד. העמוד מכיל קישורים לאתרים חיצוניים שאינם אתרי משרד החינוך. תוכן אתרים אלה וכל המוצג בהם (לרבות פרסומות) הינו באחריות בעלי האתרים בלבד. אם נתקלתם בבעיה כלשהי או שיש לכם הצעות או הערות בנוגע לתוכן, באפשרותכם לפנות אלינו בקישור זה.