דלג אל

Junior High School

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Tnufa Exams

Tnufa Exams

Tnufa - The exams that test themselves!
RAMA and the Pedagogical Secretariat are proud to present: internal assessment tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) for the 5th and 8th grades. The tools allow teachers to receive a quick report on the students' situation in English, including recommendations for intervention. These are experimental tools, used for internal evaluation purposes only. Using these tools is not mandatory, yet highly recommended for formative purpose and perfecting teaching and learning. No use will be made of the information collected from the students for external reporting.

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The Assessment of Competence in English for 7th grade (ACE-7) is a standardized, evidence-based assessment tool designed to assess the component skills that support spoken and written language in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at the beginning of junior high school. The results will help teachers identify areas of strength and weakness in individual EFL performance and guide them in planning differentiated instruction and interventions based on pupils' individual needs.The tool is administered in a computerized format and is comprised of seven tasks: Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Isolated Word Reading, Spelling, Oral Passage Reading, Vocabulary, and Word Order. Administration of the ACE-7 tool takes approximately 75-90 minutes. All tasks are scored automatically except for the Isolated Word Reading task and the Oral Passage Reading task, which are manually scored by the teacher. The teacher then receives a report containing information that can help with choosing and adapting teaching and intervention materials and procedures.

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Readers' Theater

Readers' Theater is a strategy to combine the joy of developing reading fluency and accuracy with the enhancement of autonomy in learning to speak a foreign language. It involves students in shared reading by reading scripts aloud as part of a meaningful, learning experience. This enjoyable and entertaining teaching strategy helps teachers to differentiate their instruction while engaging their students and exposing them to literature.

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Dream It Writing Project

Dream It Writing Project
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General Information

General Information
  • Link to Diagnostic Test for the 7th Grade on the Building Blocks Site (posted May 2021)
  • In order to ensure that pupils have maximum exposure to English, hours for English studies should be spread out over the week. English should not be taught twice on the same day.
  • In elementary school, there should be no double hours of English.
    In high school, double hours of English should only be scheduled once a week.
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Performance Tasks

Performance Tasks

To teachers in elementary and junior high schools

Dear Teachers,

You can now access the banks of performance-based tasks for assessing pupils' achievement of the benchmarks at the foundation and intermediate levels directly from the Internet. The banks provide you with samples of tasks (including rubrics) that can be used in the classroom, either "as are" or through adaptation. They may also serve as models for designing your own tasks. Incorporating these tasks into existing assessment procedures enables you to widen the spectrum of methods of assessment and enhances feedback regarding both process and product of language learning.

Before working with the banks it is recommended you carefully read the introduction and general guidelines.

You will find links to both banks by clicking here

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ASK kit - oral assessment for JH

ASK kit - oral assessment for JH

The National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA) in conjunction with the English Inspectorate has developed a kit for assessing speaking in English in junior high school – Assessing Speaking in English (ASK).

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Meitzav Examinations

Meitzav Examinations
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Let's Talk

Let's Talk

Promoting Spoken English in 7th Grade

Let's Talk website (posted September 2017)

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Approved Coursebooks and Content Providers for Junior High School
Your Idea is Here!
If YOU have any ORIGINAL lessons that engage your students, digital tools that spark their imaginations, please share them here!

פורטל זה נבנה עבור מורים ונועד לשימוש צרכי חינוך בלבד. העמוד מכיל קישורים לאתרים חיצוניים שאינם אתרי משרד החינוך. תוכן אתרים אלה וכל המוצג בהם (לרבות פרסומות) הינו באחריות בעלי האתרים בלבד. אם נתקלתם בבעיה כלשהי או שיש לכם הצעות או הערות בנוגע לתוכן, באפשרותכם לפנות אלינו בקישור זה.