
Teachers' resource materials
Grades and main subjects in curriculum
- Grade
- Main subject
- {{m.label}}{{$last ? '' : ', '}}
Solidarity with Ukraine - Lesson Plans

Israel at 60 - Landmarks

Supplementary Unit (1998–2008)
Tracing the events of the last decade
from our Golden Jubilee to our 60th anniversary

- Learning about Ethiopian Jewry
Our Family Album Learning about life in Ethiopia- grades six to nine (posted November 2019)
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba - Junion high school (posted September 2019) - Trigger-happy fingers on the keyboard – Taking responsibility for your words. Activities for middle and high school students to mark 21 years since the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
(posted November 2016) - Lesson Plan on Shimon Peres
President Clinton's Eulogy for Shimon Peres and Poem. Sent by Sandy Regev. (posted October 2016) - Reading Text on Shimon Peres from the WhatsUp Project (posted October 2016)
- Operation Protective Edge - Ideas to Engage Students (posted August, 2014)
Movie Bank
Target Audience: Teachers of all subjects and all age levels.
- An organized bank of movies to be screened in the classrooms.
- This service enables pupils to watch hundreds of movies on computers and screens in the classroom.
- The movie bank is an additional and important resource in pedagogical innovation. Learning through movies is enjoyable and motivating.
- The bank is a source of activities to integrate pedagogical innovation through motivating materials which arouse the curiosity of the pupils.
- The films assist in presenting learning topics from various angles and facilitate classroom discussions that arouse emotions, feelings, and insights.
- The bank is constantly updated and expanded with new and additional movies.
- To protect copyrights, the bank is available using the Ministry of Education password.
- The movies may be viewed within the school walls.
- Here is a video clip explaining how to use the bank and its contents.
- Link to the Movie Land movie bank.
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If YOU have any ORIGINAL lessons that engage your students, digital tools that spark their imaginations,
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