- English Plus צומחים מחדש
Empower students on their language literacy journey, fostering improved academic achievement.
Who is the booklet intended for?Junior high teachers and students facing reading challenges.
English Plus- צומחים מחדש
- introduces a model of how to work with struggling learners in the 7th-8th grades.
- can be integrated with textbook work for struggling readers.
- supports teachers with the important components of teaching reading skills.
- facilitates elements of self reflection through using a learning diary.How to Use:
- Flexible implementation with a modular design.
- Suitable for individual or small group settings. - Building Blocks
- Guidelines for the Teaching of English at the Pre-Foundation Level Aligned with Can-Do descriptors (CEFR) & the ABLE assessment KIT (posted August 2019)
- Stepping-stones to English Literacy Acquisition (SELA) (posted September 2019)
- Turn the Page (posted August 2020)
Enhancing Literacy
BackInformation about Literacy

Reading for Pleasure

- The Benefits of Reading for Fun (Edutopia) (posted April 2021)
- Turn the Page (posted August 2020)
- Reading for Pleasure: A Practical Guide (posted June 2018)
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