In the first stage, teachers select any AI tool (Claude, ChatGPT or Gemini).
In the second stage, teachers simply copy and paste this prompt into their chosen AI tool: "Hi, I teach EFL to grade ___ students and want them to create games using at least 26 vocabulary words from our unit. Please create a rubric table for primary school English games at CEFR A1 level. Include language use (vocabulary use, simple instructions, basic grammar), game design (how it looks, organization, materials), game rules (clear, easy to play, fun), and educational value (English learning goals, student engagement, practice). Make 3 levels - Excellent (33-40 points), Good (26-32 points), and Needs Improvement (0-25 points), with a total score of 100 points possible. Use simple language that students can understand easily."
In the third stage, teachers review the AI-generated rubric and make any small adjustments needed for their specific class. In the final stage, teachers share the completed rubric with their students.